FUNERAL READINGS: Choose a Reading

Sudden Death

There are patterns
And there are reminders
And we embrace the patterns
Echoes of what we know
And love
Familiar flashes
And fond moments
Like old friends
Smiling from the album of life

Day-in day-out
We appear happy
Filling in a form here
Swimming in blue there
Singing in the kitchen
Toasting the familiar

And then something arrives
It breaks the mould
Our comfort has gone
The configuration has changed
Light turns to shadow

Tragedy is the moment
Of no faith
No belief
Even less acceptance
Minimal tolerance
Maximum anger
Familiar patterns gone

Is there any sense
To such disruption?
Any wisdom in finality?

There is no answer
Only to say
That having is not holding
Yet loving is always having
Always sharing
In the heart

Love is never lost
Once known
It always triumphs
For love is the theme
Flowing through the melody
From this moment
To the next
Throughout all eternity
Love is constant
Perfect and infinite

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